The Internet/REXX HHNS WorkBench
By Henri HenaultWhat is it ?
A Freeware shared library with a powerfull set of REXX functions that help CGI Programmers to :
- Quickly create Dynamic HTML Pages, tables and forms,
- Easily handle forms results,
- Run any REXX CGI programs on any supported platform, WITHOUT ANY MODIFICATION.
For which platforms ?
- Intel/Linux
- Intel/Windows 32bits (NT,2K,XP)
- RS6000,pSeries/AIX(4.2, 5.3)
With which REXX Interpretors ?
- Mark Hessling's Regina
- IBM Object REXX
- Mike Colishaw NETREXX
What do you need ?
- A Web Server for your Linux, AIX, or NT platform
- One or both of the two REXX interpretors above
- A servlet container engine (i.e. Tomcat) if you want to use the NetRexx version
How to install it ?
- Download it
- Uncompress or unzip in your CGI bin directory
- Linux, AIX : move, or link the shared library (librxcri.so, or liborxcri.so) to the /usr/lib directory
- MS IIS : move the shared library (rxcri.dll or orxcri.dll) somewhere to your SYSTEM PATH, and set up the correct Registry entry
- Apache : set the following directives in your httpd.conf
Don't forget the following directive for each subdir where you put your Rexx/CGI stuff LoadModule cgi_module modules/mod_cgi.so AddModule mod_cgi.c AddHandler cgi-script file_extension_for_Rexx_CGI (i.e.: .cri)Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinksHow to use it ?
- Have a look to our REXX CGI samples, test them, and Download them if necessary.
- See the On-line Manual Page
- If you are a REXX Programmer, whatever your favorite platform, you're ready.
REXX CGI available on this site, that you can use directly within your own html pages :
- A General purpose Calculator: YOU provide a valid expression, IT will display the result
- A General purpose Counter: YOU provide the value, IT will display as a GIF Image
- A Mortgage calculator: YOU provide a loan amount, an interest rate, and a duration, IT will return the monthly payment
And after ?
- Don't forget to send us a feedback : any bug report, observations, remarks and even hate mails are welcome.
We will particulary answer to hate mails in whatever language they were sent.